News & Resources
Daily Walk With God
Daily walk with God is a soul-enriching series delivering insightful devotionals to guide and inspire your spiritual journey every day. Dive deep into practical guidance and reflections, fostering a closer connection with God. Follow the series here. Subscribe to the channel.
Church Building Project Commence
The Zambia International Church of Christ has launched its first ever building project for the church. Here is how the church will look like once completed. Click here to view the disigns
The Resurrection Story
The Zambia International Church of Christ in collaboration with Bible teachers across the world has embarked on a zoom series that unpacks the story of the resurrection. This series will culminate into a 3 day conference during the easter weekend in Lusaka Zambia.
Follow the episodes here.
Church Blogs and Testimonies
Profile in perseverance
“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:13b-14 (NIV)
Being a Kingdom kid can bring about pressure from the church to be a perfect child. If you were raised in the church like myself, then you too can identify as a kingdom kid. We are expected to know our Bibles from start to end, to serve in the kingdom, always attend church gatherings, always wear a big smile and be nice and respectful always.
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Spiritual fatigue is when we feel tired, exhausted, and discouraged in our Christian journey. In those moments we experience a lack of strength, weariness and defeat. We are sick of trying and spiritually drained. Every spiritual person faces spiritual fatigue at some point.
You are not alone! We have unlimited resources you can tap into and enrich your christian walk. We are introducing the All Nations App. Find out more
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This App is designed to equip, inspire and connect you to mission opportunities all around the world.
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worship sERVICE
Sunday: 10:00HRS - 11:30 AM
midweek sERVICE
Wednesday: 18:30 - 19:30PM