

Please consider making a financial contribution to support the ministry work.

Our main expense items relate to benevolent support, Church administrative expenses, community projects, training, travel, camps and staff salaries

We strive to be above reproach in our finances and to be good stewards of the money which God entrusts to us. Our Annual Financial Statements are prepared by independent auditors and are available on request.

Account Details

Account Name: Zambia International Church of Christ

Branch Name:  Arcades Branch
Regular Account Number:  9130001367688
Building and Thanks giving  Accounts no:         9130001368277
Benevolence Account No:  9130001368315
Swift Code:  SBICZMLX
Sort Code:    040010

Lots of ways to give

Pray for other people
Are you a prayer warrior who finds satisfaction in praying for people? There is so much to pray for and so many people in need of prayer. You can make diference as God listens to a prayer of a rightious man. Contact us and we can link you up to people requesting for prayers.  Stand in the gap. 

Serve in the Church
Do you have the strength in serving others? We have a lot of areas in which you can use your God given talents to serve in the church. Serve in the kids kingdom as a teacher, serve as an usher, visit and uplift the sick, serve in the media team, serve in the choir, etc. Contact us and we will be able to link you to your area of interest.

Study the Bible with Someone.
The Harvest in plentifull and the workers are few. Would you love to study the bible with someone and walk with the them on the salvation jouney? We have plenty of souls and young ones needing to learn about God.  Contact us so that we link you up with requests that we receive. 

Become a Volunteer staff.

Would you love to take the challenge to go on a mission and setup churches elsewhere? Jesus left a mission for us to go out and make disciples of all nations. If you would love to join the mission, please contact us an we will connect you to the leadership of the church.


worship sERVICE

Sunday: 10:00HRS  - 11:30 AM

midweek sERVICE

18:30 - 19:30PM




Our Lusaka Church is located at
Plot L/2021/M/B (Off Leopards Hill Road) Lusaka

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