2024 THEME: Building up the Kingdom
Vision: To know God and spread His love
About Us
We are a multicultural, multigenerational church that strives to lead people to grow their faith in God and their relationship with one another.
Daily Walk With God
Daily walk with God is a soul-enriching series delivering insightful devotionals to guide and inspire your spiritual journey every day. Dive deep into practical guidance and reflections, fostering a closer connection with God. Follow the series here. Subscribe to the channel.
Church Building Project Commence
The Zambia International Church of Christ has launched its first ever building project for the church. Here is how the church will look like once completed. Click here to view the disigns
The Resurrection Story
The Zambia International Church of Christ in collaboration with Bible teachers across the world has embarked on a zoom series that unpacks the story of the resurrection. This series will culminate into a 3 day conference during the easter weekend in Lusaka Zambia.
Follow the episodes here.
What to Expect
We proclaim the good news of Jesus and help connect the transformational power of the gospel to our everyday lives! Here are a few ways which help us connect with God at a deeper level.

We have our great praise and worship team that help us to connect to God through music and dance. We worship God through a variety of praise and worship songs in different languages and styles.

Our messaging is aimed at growing your faith and drawing you closer to the almighty God. These messages also aim to bring relevance to your day to day life. The Sunday service has two most important message sharing sessions. These are the sermon and the communion messsage

We encourage you to arrive a bit early to get familiar with people, and the surrounding. The service lasts about an one hour and 30 minutes. After that, we encourage you not to dash out quickly but engage in fellowship and get to know people and receive encouragement. You can also be the one to encourage others.

You do not need to worry about your kids. We have classes for all ages. During the 10:00 AM service, childcare is offered including nursery services for babies. We encourage you not to come alone but also come along with the kids as they also get to learn more about God.
Join Our Exciting Ministries
We have a diverse community consisting of different groupings aimed at building each other and presenting each other pure before God. Our community is Christ-centered, family-focused and mission-minded. We would like you to connect with any of our ministry groups and grow spiritually. See below our ministries.

Explore Our Resources
Grow your knowledge and love of the Word through our collection of latest news, sermons, blogs, testimonies and Bible studies that have been taught over the years by passionate local and international speakers.
Click here for more
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worship sERVICE
Sunday: 10:00HRS - 11:30 AM
midweek sERVICE
Wednesday: 18:30 - 19:30PM